
There are many ways to become involved in Head Start.  Parent involvement is the key to Head Start and also a requirement of the Federal Head Start Standards.  Parents have an opportunity at Head Start to have their voice heard and to help decide how the program operates.

There are 3 levels of Parent Involvement in Head Start: 

  • Involvement in Policy Council: Policy Council is made up of Head Start parents and community members who are responsible for making recommendations about program operation and improvement. This group meets once a month at a mutually agreeable time and place (childcare and meals are provided).

  • Involvement in your child’s classroom and at home: Parents can volunteer at their child’s center, attend and support family activities held throughout the year, participate in home visits with the Teacher and Family Advocate, and participate in activities the teacher sends home as a carryover from class and meet with guest speakers representing community organizations. These Eat & Meet days are a monthly celebrations of family, fun, and informations at your Head Start site.

  • Involvement in Family Activities, Parent Meetings, and Fatherhood/Motherhood Events: Family activities and parent meetings are held once a month. Each month parents and/or other special adult in the child's life, are invited to come into their child’s site, have meal (or snack), do an activity with their child, and participate in a short parent meeting. Parent meetings are a time for staff to share information with parents on upcoming events or needs in the classroom. This is also an opportunity for you to share your concerns and questions with other parents.

  • Fatherhood and Motherhood Programs: There Fatherhood nights and a Mommy & Me Day during the school year.

    1. Parenting Workshops and Nutrition workshops are also offered to families.

    2. Breakfast or snack with mom/dad or grandma/grandpa

    3. Eat & Meets: Parents are invited to come in and eat with their child, meet to hear what is going on at Head Start, and then you are invited to the classroom to do an activity with your child.

    4. Grandparents are also invited into the classroom. Watch for Grandparents week at Head Start!!

Contact Amanda Nagle at 920.331.3325 for more information.