
  • All Staff in the Head Start Program are well qualified for their positions. Teachers have a Bachelors degree in Early Childhood or Associates degrees in Early Childhood. Assistant Teachers have Associates degrees in Early Childhood or classes preparing for an Associates degree. Support staff have attended classes in Early Childhood. All Staff regularly attend Early Childhood trainings and monthly in-services.

  • All staff follow the Frog Street Curriculum. Goals for the Head Start Children are developed by following the Head Start Performance Standards and the Teaching Strategies Gold Objectives.

  • Classrooms are arranged in Learning Centers. Children learn through their play as they are guided by staff in math, science, language and literacy, computers, cooking, dramatic play, art, blocks, sand and water, toys and games, music and movement and the outdoors.

  • The Daily Schedule is followed in each classroom to allow for group times and individual play, quiet and active times and indoor and outdoor large motor activities.

  • Positive guidance techniques are used with all children. Social skills are practiced and age-appropriate activities are provided for children to learn to problem solve and resolve differences. Children learn respect for the feelings and rights of others through activities that develop cooperation and patience.

  • Parents are informed of their child’s growth and development during Home Visits and Conferences. Weekly newsletters and Calendars inform families of classroom and Head Start activities.

  • Program Outcome Reports indicate the overall developmental growth of children in the Head Start Program.

Contact Angie Binversie at 920.458.1154 for more information.